Criminal gangs have been difficult to catch, however, because illegal meats are often hidden among other produce such as fruit and vegetables, and lorry drivers are often bribed to deny any knowledge of it. 然而抓捕犯罪团伙十分困难。非法肉类食品常常混藏在水果蔬菜等农产品之间,卡车司机收到好处费后也拒绝承认对此事知情。
We should further improve our criminal legislation while having knowledge and understandings on laws to punish and prevent terrorist legislation. 我们要在充分了解国际社会及其他国家惩治与防范恐怖活动立法的同时,进一步完善我国的相关刑事立法。
The author declares that the re-emphasis on the significance of law administration and rapid declination of scientism are the presupposition resulting in departmentalization of criminal objectivism and knowledge blending. 作者指出:法治意义的重新被强调、科学主义的迅速衰落是导致刑法客观主义的本位化以及知识融合的提前。
The qualifications of a witness in Chinese criminal proceedings include three basic respects: independence, full knowledge of the crime, and the ability of proving. 这种资格表明一个国家的法律用来承认或判断某人是否能成为诉讼中的证人的标准,我国刑事诉讼中的证人资格包括三个基本方面:独立性、知情性、作证能力。
Necessary Response of Criminal Law to Knowledge Economy 知识经济,刑法必须回应
And, the author thinks the dynamic equilibrium of criminal action break out the theory of knowledge law of penal prosecution criminal compensation is the important way to remedy criminal action. 认为刑事诉讼的动态平衡被打破符合刑事追诉的认识论规律,刑事赔偿是对刑事诉讼进行救济的重要途径。
The brief and coarse criminal law, the legislation which depend on judicial interpretation of criminal law, the judges whose law knowledge require enhanced, the idea that judicial interpretation of criminal law is a power are reasons of judicial interpretation of criminal law. 而刑法立法的粗疏、立法对司法解释的依赖性、法官素质不高以及司法解释权力观念的存在则是刑法司法解释立法化形成的原因。
Purpose of reform of criminal psychology courses content the method: to train necessary law science basic knowledge and practical ability first; 改革犯罪心理学教学内容和方法的目的:一是要培养学生必要的法学专业基础知识和实践技能;
Proof in civil procedure and administrative proceeding is different from proof in criminal procedure, but they should also be guided by theory of knowledge. 民事诉讼证明、行政诉讼证明不同于刑事诉讼证明,但也应当以认识论为指导。
The system of search without warranty in the modern criminal litigation includes the systems of Attached search 、 Consent Search and Emergent Search, and contains abundant knowledge about theories and procedures. 现代刑事诉讼中的无证搜查制度是由附带搜查、同意搜查、紧急搜查等制度构成的有机联系的整体,包含着丰富的理论学说和程序内容。
Discussion on Several Lawful Issues on Criminal Cases of Infringing upon Property Right of Knowledge 侵犯知识产权刑事案件若干法律问题探讨
The parole is a system of penalty execution with a long history. But the criminal theory has not formed united knowledge about the essence of parole. 假释是一项历史悠久的刑罚执行制度,但刑法理论对假释的本质至今尚未形成统一的认识。
The write makes a debate on basic of excluding rules of illegal criminal evidence of theory of Knowledge of civil law system and common law system in the article. 刑事非法证据排除规则不仅有其价值论基础,也有其认识论基础。论述了大陆法系和英美法系各自的刑事非法证据排除规则的认识论基础:绝对理性主义认识论和经验主义认识论。
Knowledge of illegality would not affect the criminal intention of the establishment of, and relationship between the perpetrator of criminal responsibility, criminal law scholars abroad have always been the focus of long-Ju Song, is to study the value of knowledge of illegality. 违法性认识是否影响犯罪故意的成立,与行为人的刑事责任关系如何,历来是国外刑法学界长期聚讼的焦点问题,也是研究违法性认识的价值所在。
But here is an awareness of the illegal nature of the overall awareness of legal norms, And not limited to knowledge of the criminal laws and regulations, but only the perpetrator of the existing regulations have a knowledge of probability, without precise knowledge of the law. 但是这里的违法性认识是对整体的法律规范的认识,而非局限于对刑事法律法规的认识,而且只需要行为人对现行法规有一种盖然性的认识,无需对法律条文的精确认识。
Chinese criminal law does not have a specific provision for sentencing method, so different judges will have sentencing difference for the same or similar cases owing to their difference in knowledge, attainment and experience, which will finally cause the problem of sentencing disequilibrium. 我国刑法对量刑方法的规定不够明确具体,导致不同法官因其学识、素养、经验等的不同,对相同或相似案件的量刑存在很大的差异,这也最终导致了量刑失衡问题的产生。
The community correction aims to correct the deviants and the criminal minds of the delinquent juvenile, so needs to set three categories of projects including the psychological treatment, the disseminate knowledge and the vocational training. 社区矫正旨在矫治越轨少年的犯罪行为和犯罪心理,需要设置心理矫治、常识普及和职业培训三大类项目。
On the other hand, the lack of criminal examination professional knowledge. 另一方面,缺失刑事审查专业知识的人才。
This part of the nature of the crime, respectively, constitute a crime, and criminal penalties for the purpose of knowledge in three blocks around the decriminalization of euthanasia to start arguments. 此部分分别从犯罪的本质、犯罪构成以及刑罚的目的等三个刑法学知识板块围绕安乐死的非犯罪化展开论证。
With the rapid social and economical development of China, not only criminal lawsuits but also civil and administrative lawsuits involving specialized knowledge need the judicial authentication. 不仅刑事诉讼需要司法鉴定,随着我国经济社会的迅速发展,民事诉讼、行政诉讼涉及专门知识需要司法鉴定也与日俱增。
Criminal law traditionally considers factual errors in the West refers to the subjective knowledge of the facts and the reality of objective fact is inconsistent or incompatible. 西方刑法传统上认为事实错误是指主观认识的事实与现实所发生的客观事实不一致或不相符合。
The criminal identifier is the person employed as a criminal expert by the parties or the judiciary for his specialized knowledge or skills who distinguishes, judges and brings forward the expert conclusion or the appraisal idea on some speciality in criminal case in legal proceedings. 刑事鉴定人是指在刑事诉讼过程中,由司法机关或者当事人聘请,运用专门知识或技能,对刑事案件中的某些专门性问题进行鉴别、判断,并提出鉴定结论或鉴定意见的自然人。
I tried through the use of criminal law, comparative analysis and other methods, and related disciplines of knowledge on the crime of dividing up the State-owned assets to study these issues. 笔者试通过运用刑法解释、比较分析等方法,以及相关学科的知识对私分国有资产罪的上述问题进行研究。